The Institute for Living Judaism in Brooklyn

ILJB is a non-denominational center for learning that aims to promote tolerance, moderation, and pluralism in furthering the study and practice of our tradition

We offer quality programs to strenghten and expand Brooklyn's Jewish community

Attend our Zionism Series:

Or, mail us a check. Make checks payable to ILJB and mail to:
ILJB, 1714 Ryder Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Please include a printout of our order form if by mail.

For individual events, $15 at door when you arrive.

  • 3/24/19 4pm, Prof. Steven Katz on What is Zionism? The Foundation Stones.
  • 3/31/19 4pm, Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein on Changing Views of Zionism Here and in Israel
  • 5/5/19 4pm (note change of time scheduled) Rabbi Rachel Timoner on Why It's Progressive to be a Zionist and Zionist to be Progressive

We appreciate your suggestions and comments. Please tell us of any friends or family members who might enjoy our programs. Thanks!

Email us:
Phone us: 718.339.0230
Mail to: 1714 Ryder Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234